Off Grid Community SCIO

providing outdoor learning and play to all,

with different sessions to support

our neurodivergent community.

Spending time outdoors playing in nature is intrinsic to developing so many key area of development both physically and mentally for children and young people.

Playing and learning in a natural setting allows for low-level risk taking; building confidence, resilience and providing stress release too!

The space is rent-able to other local school/organisations.

We have indoor learning spaces which provides shelter from the elements when the weather is being less hospitable, especially for the more vulnerable young people that we support.

There is a composting toilets onsite, one which is wheelchair accessible.

Help Needed!!

Are you interested in growing fresh vegetables/food cooperatively?

We have a closed FB group, please follow the link to access and join!

Want to be involved with any site maintenance?

We sometimes have projects on the go that would benefit from having some extra hands involved - could be helping with some rebuilding of internal fencing, painting, planting, creating willow fences - the list is endless at times, but absolutely no pressure to attend when a call goes out, if the date and time suits then brilliant!!